Translation for "an early night" to spanish
An early night
Translation examples
I've got to have an early night.
debo tener una noche temprana.
Let us return to the embassy and make an early night of it.
Volvamos a la embajada y hagamos una noche temprana de la misma.
I had an early night. (SNORTS)
Tuve una noche temprana.
- Not me. I think I'll call it an early night. Oh.
Yo no, creo que la llamaré una noche temprana.
Ann and Esmond decided to make it an early night.
Ann y Esmond decidieron para que sea una noche temprana.
And the night Stephen was killed - you said you took supper to Michael because he was having an early night and that was a lie, too.
Y la noche que mataron a Stephen dijo que tomó la cena con Michael porque tuvieron una noche temprana, y eso era una mentira, también.
Well, after that, a lot of people decided to make it an early night.
Bueno, despues de esto, mucha gente decidió Hacerlo una noche temprana.
Halcyon's early night had fallen, her three moons were chasing each other.
La noche temprana de Halcyon había cerrado, sus tres lunas se daban caza una a otra.
No electricity meant early nights and twelve hours of equatorial darkness, no computer access, no Internet, no fax machine.
La ausencia de electricidad deparaba noches tempranas y doce horas de oscuridad ecuatorial, sin acceso a un ordenador, sin Internet ni fax.
Motionless as a hunter, Set waited until the moment when the depth of early night was lit by the moon rising over the swamp.
Inmóvil como un cazador, Seth aguardó el momento en que la profundidad de la noche temprana era iluminada por la luna que brillaba sobre el pantano.
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