Translation for "as considerable" to spanish
As considerable
Translation examples
She hit him high in the shoulders and used her considerable momentum, and not so considerable weight, to drive him into dirt.
Utilizando el potente impulso y su no tan considerable peso, logró arrojarle al suelo.
And therefore it would be reasonable to expect differences in mental aptitude that could be as considerable as the differences in physical appearance.
Por lo tanto, sería razonable que en capacidad mental existieran diferencias tan considerables como las de apariencia física.
But his own virtuosity as conjuror of myth, as recruiter of the clinching anecdote, was as considerable as that of any major literary artist.
Pero su propio virtuosismo para conjurar mitos, para echar mano de la anécdota que atrapa, era tan considerable como el de cualquier gran artista.
Knowing Mr. Lugg’s alcoholic capacity to be as considerable as his emotional range was limited, Mr. Campion was surprised.
Campion sabía que la capacidad alcohólica del señor Lugg era tan considerable como limitado su abanico emocional, por lo que se sorprendió al oír estas palabras.
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