Translation for "as silently" to spanish
Translation examples
And he was gone as silently as he appeared.
Y desapareció tan silenciosamente como había entrado.
He swallowed as silently as he could.
—Keith tragó tan silenciosamente como pudo—.
The Indian woman had materialized as silently as a shadow.
Tessa se había materializado tan silenciosamente como una sombra.
I moved as silently as I could, not hurrying.
Me moví tan silenciosamente como pude, sin apresurarme.
George had gone. She had left as silently as she had come.
George se fue tan silenciosamente como había acudido.
The man had gone as silently as he had come.
El gitano se marchó tan silenciosamente como había llegado.
She got up and left as silently as she came.
Se levantó y se marchó tan silenciosamente como había venido.
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