Translation for "at partially" to spanish
Translation examples
*** Funded partially by China and partially by unearmarked contributions
*** Financiado parcialmente por China y parcialmente asimismo por contribuciones no asignadas a un fin determinado.
The Foundation is partially Statefunded and partially funded by private patrons.
La Fundación está financiada parcialmente por el Estado y parcialmente por colaboradores privados.
It was partially true.
Esto era parcialmente cierto.
“Why the ‘partially’?”
—¿Por qué la expresión «parcialmente»?
“Wasn’t he partially undressed?”
—¿No estaba parcialmente desnudo?
some had partially collapsed.
algunas se habían desplomado parcialmente.
But… yes, it was partially torn already.
Pero sí, estaba parcialmente roto.
Candy was partially undressed.
Candy estaba parcialmente desnuda.
Williamson was partially bald.
Williamson era parcialmente calvo.
Partially achieved.
Conseguido en parte.
The whole and the partial.
El todo y la parte.
Or a partial truth.
O al menos en parte.
Partially, of course.
En parte, evidentemente.
It worked – partially.
En parte, le funcionó.
Partially to make even the Americans look good, and partially as penance.
En parte, para que incluso los estadounidenses parezcan potables, y en parte como penitencia.
His moustache was partially wet and partially dry and looked askew.
El bigote, en parte mojado y en parte seco, aparecía torcido.
Val laughed, partially at his delight, partially at their power over him.
Val se rió, en parte de su deleite, en parte de su poder sobre él.
Which was partially true.
—Lo que era verdad en parte.
I’ll take a partial.
O parte de una, me conformo con eso.
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