Translation for "be announced" to spanish
Translation examples
- Actually, I don't want to be announced.
- En realidad no quiero ser anunciada.
Weren't you supposed to be announced?
¿No se supone que debes ser anunciada?
I thought you were supposed to be announced.
Pensé que debías ser anunciado.
All visitors have to be announced, Mr. Flanagan.
Todos los visitantes tienen que ser anunciados... Sr. Flanagan.
Only three more contestants left to be announced.
Sólo otros tres concursantes quedan por ser anunciados.
Sir, you have to be announced first. Sir?
- Señor, ¡debe ser anunciado primero!
- To be announced. - Oh.
- Para ser anunciado.
Next time, you should be announced.
La próxima vez, debes ser anunciada.
You need to be announced.
Necesita ser anunciada.
It's about to be announced.
Está a punto de ser anunciado.
They will be announced any moment.
Van a ser anunciados en cualquier momento.
Who was so important that they couldn’t even be announced?
¿Qué personalidad era tan importante como para no poder ser anunciada?
Would it kill you to be announced, like a normal guest?
¿Tanto te cuesta ser anunciado, como cualquier otro invitado normal?
Will the engagement be announced tonight?
- ¿Se anunciará el compromiso esta noche?
Be announced tomorrow night on
Se anunciará mañana por la noche en
will be announced soon, I'II get sympathy votes,
Pronto se anunciará. Tengo muchos votos de simpatía.
Other people will be announcing sooner.
Otra gente se anunciará pronto.
It will be announced tomorrow night at the ball.
Se anunciará mañana durante el baile.
That won't be announced until tomorrow.
No se anunciará hasta mañana.
It'll be announced tomorrow.
Mañana se anunciará.
Your flight will be announced.
Se anunciará su vuelo.
It'll be announced next week.
Se anunciará la semana que viene.
The method of giving it will be announced later.
El método se anunciará después.
What was there to announce?
¿Qué podía anunciar?
I'll announce myself."
Me anunciaré por mí mismo.
This will be announced within the week.
Se anunciará esta semana.
I am here to announce this.
Estoy aquí para anunciar esto.
"To announce terrible possibilities.”
– Anunciar terribles posibilidades.
Henry will announce it, of course.
Lo anunciará Henry, por supuesto.
“They just announced it on the TV.”
Lo acaban de anunciar por la tele.
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