Translation for "be gained" to spanish
Translation examples
[John F. Kennedy] We set sail on this new sea... because there is new knowledge to be gained... and new rights to be won, and they must be won and used for the progress of all mankind.
[John F. Kennedy] Zarpamos a este nuevo océano... porque hay nuevos conocimientos por obtener... y nuevos derechos por ganar, y ellos deben ser ganados y usados para el progreso de toda la Humanidad.
...there is nothing to be gained in your coming home first, it's better to avoid meeting. hay nada para ser ganado en su regreso primero, es mejor evitar el encuentro.
Indeed, there is everything to gain.
Por cierto, hay mucho que ganar.
Savimbi only wishes to gain time.
Lo único que Savimbi quiere es ganar tiempo.
On the contrary, there is so much to gain, there is so much to save.
Por el contrario, hay mucho que ganar y mucho que ahorrar.
It was true that individualism was tending to gain ground.
Es cierto que el individualismo tiende a ganar terreno.
Africa will gain, and the United Nations will be strengthened.
África ganará y las Naciones Unidas se fortalecerán.
We have nothing to gain by dragging our feet.
No tenemos nada que ganar arrastrando nuestros pies.
We all have much to gain and just as much to lose.
Todos tenemos mucho que ganar y otro tanto que perder.
(g) To gain experience on institutional arrangements;
g) Ganar experiencias con los mecanismos institucionales;
There's nothing to be gained by doing anything.
No hay nada que ganar si hacemos algo.
Listen, there's nothing to be gained from bringing that up.
Escucha, no hay nada que ganar sacando eso ahora.
You must be gaining something.
Seguro tendrán algo que ganar.
There is nothing more to be gained.
No hay nada más que ganar.
Hammond, we can't - there's nothing to be gained by...
Hammond, no podemos - no hay nada que ganar ...
Yeah, well, there's nothing to be gained by guessing.
Sí, bueno, no hay nada que ganar al adivinar.
There is nothing to be gained here.
Ya no hay nada que ganar aquí.
Nothing to be gained by standing still in business.
Nada que ganar, si uno está aún en el negocio
I don't know why, there's nothing be gained from it.
No entiendo por qué. No tiene nada que ganar.
There's simply too much to be gained.
Hay mucho que ganar.
There's nothing to gain.” “We will gain time,” he growled.
No ganarás nada. —Ganaré tiempo —farfulló él—.
‘There’s naught to gain.
—No tienes nada que ganar.
He has a lot to be gained.
Tiene mucho que ganar.
He had nothing to gain.
No tenía nada que ganar.
He has nothing to gain.
No tiene nada que ganar.
You have nothing to gain.
No tenéis nada que ganar.
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