Translation for "be given away" to spanish
Be given away
Translation examples
We Indian people believe that when a person dies, George said, that every possession of theirs must be given away.
Los indios creemos que cuando muere alguien, dijo George, todas sus pertenencias deben ser regaladas.
From the beginning, however, I realized that handing them out was not as easy as I thought, since people viewed them with suspicion because they were being given away, and most contorted and twitched as if they had been electrified in order not to accept them.
Sin embargo, desde el principio caí en la cuenta de que repartirlos no era tan fácil como yo pensaba, porque la gente los veía con recelo por ser regalados, y la mayoría se crispaba para no recibirlos como si estuvieran electrificados.
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