Translation for "be merchants" to spanish
Be merchants
Translation examples
Being merchants, they tried to buy off the Assyrian invaders.
Ser comerciantes, intentaron para comprar a los invasores asirios.
They appeared to be merchants, but we suspect these three men were "the Iron Parasol" Zhang Xu'ao,
Parecían ser comerciantes, pero sospechamos estos tres hombres eran "el Parasol de Hierro" Zhang Xu'ao,
"They must be merchants to have paid so much for their meal," he said.
—Han pagado tanto que tienen que ser comerciantes —comentó.
"At the same time, merchants being merchants, there's been growing pressure to establish trade with the Medusans as a sideline to help defray their operating expenses.
Al mismo tiempo, y como los comerciantes no dejan de ser comerciantes, ha habido una creciente presión para establecer algunos intercambios con los medusinos, como actividad suplementaria que ayude a sufragar los gastos de operatividad.
Warriors apparently could be merchants, could direct Darash in farming, but the only thing they did with their own hands was sword-wielding.
Al parecer, los guerreros podían ser comerciantes, podían dirigir el trabajo de los darash en el campo, pero lo único que hacían con las manos era blandir espadas.
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