Translation for "be recompense" to spanish
Translation examples
I should be recompensed I never quibbled about money
Debería ser recompensado. Nunca hablamos de dinero.
‘No doubt – but life has treated you rather differently. To be brief,’ – he gathered himself up, firm, but not unkind, – ‘the Bishop and I both have the feeling that your long and faithful years should now be recompensed; that you should, in short, retire!’
–Sin duda; pero la vida le ha tratado a usted de modo diferente… Para abreviar – y se irguió, firme, mas no adusto -, el obispo y yo entendemos que sus largos y fieles años de sacerdocio deben ser recompensados ya… y que, en resumen, debe usted retirarse.
It was stressed that the aim of the provisions was to provide sufficient recompense to provide an incentive to participate in the procurement process.
Se hizo hincapié en que la finalidad de las disposiciones era proporcionar una recompensa suficiente a fin de dar un incentivo a los participantes en el proceso de contratación.
Enough cannot be said about how women are engaged in and resolving difficult challenges in their families and communities, usually without titles or recompense.
Cabe poner de relieve la manera en que las mujeres participan en la solución de los difíciles problemas a los que se enfrentan sus familias y comunidades, normalmente sin obtener ninguna recompensa o reconocimiento a cambio.
(m) To authorize the acceptance by public officials of posts, honours or recompense from foreign Governments;
13) Autorizar a los funcionarios públicos para aceptar cargos, honores o recompensas de gobiernos extranjeros.
Primorje refers to clause 3.6.1 of its contract with its co-contractors which provides for a "recompense in amount of 0.8% of total agreed price".
260. Primorje se refiere a la cláusula 3.6.1 del contrato con sus cocontratistas, que prevé una "recompensa del 0,8% del precio total convenido".
3. That the principle of civil reparation or financial recompense should be applied, taking into account the financial capability of the offender or of his or her parents,
3. Se aplique el principio de resarcimiento civil o recompensa financiera, teniendo en cuenta la capacidad financiera del delincuente o de sus padres,
just as in internal law the promise of recompense is recognized in some legal systems.
, como en el derecho interno la promesa de la recompensa, aceptada en algunas legislaciones.
Volunteers receive little if any economic recompense.
Los voluntarios reciben poca o ninguna recompensa económica.
105. Women assume many responsibilities both inside and outside the family but much of what they do remains out of sight and without material recompense.
105. La mujer asume muchas responsabilidades tanto dentro como fuera de la familia, pero gran parte de sus actividades pasan desapercibidas, y carecen de recompensa material.
Such a weak recompense.
Qué triste recompensa.
There was no justice or recompense for them.
Para ellos no había justicia ni recompensa.
It is recompense for his trouble.
Es una recompensa por las molestias.
“What recompense, Cephelo?”
—¿Qué recompensa, Cephelo?
Sometimes it is awarded as a recompense;
A veces se concede como recompensa;
What recompense will you require?
¿Qué recompensa deseas?
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