Translation for "be surprised at" to spanish
Translation examples
From time to time, I am surprised by arguments of experts that I had not thought about, and I am ready to be surprised and to be informed by the wisdom of experts.
De tanto en tanto me sorprenden los argumentos que presentan los expertos, en los que no había pensado, y estoy dispuesto a ser sorprendido por los expertos y a aprender de su sabiduría.
-You'd be surprised at the time you could find if you live in the moment.
- You'd ser sorprendido en el momento usted podría encontrar si vivir el momento
- Instead of surprising our opponents we might be surprised by them and I don't have much faith in our subjects.
En vez ele sorprender a nuestros adversarios, podríamos ser sorprendidos por ellos, y yo no tengo excesiva confianza en nuestros súbditos.
Therefore you will not be surprised to hear that some of us are not satisfied.
Por eso no le sorprenderá que algunos de nosotros no nos sintamos satisfechos.
That there should be such disagreements is not surprising.
No es de sorprender que surjan desacuerdos de ese tipo.
Our co-sponsorship will come as a surprise to no one.
A nadie debe sorprender nuestro copatrocinio.
It should therefore come as no surprise that they have been accompanied by controversy.
No debe pues sorprender que hayan suscitado controversias.
This should not surprise anyone.
Ello no debe sorprender a nadie.
I know he will be surprised when I pass on the news to him.
Creo que se sorprenderá mucho cuando le comunique la noticia.
This was not surprising.
Y no era de sorprender.
Not really surprising.
No era de sorprender.
Something that will surprise you.
Algo que te sorprenderá.
You'll surprise them all.'
Los sorprenderás a todos.
Why should I be surprised?
—¿Por qué me habría de sorprender?
“Above all, she’ll be surprised.”
Más que nada se sorprenderá.
“Why am I not surprised?”
–¿Por qué no me sorprenderá?
‘Stay here if you wish, you maggots, but don’t be surprised when the gugga cavalry arrives in the morning.
—Quedaos aquí si queréis, gusanos, pero no os sorprendáis si la caballería gugga aparece por la mañana.
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