Translation for "blood circulating" to spanish
Translation examples
But what has changed is he has a lot less blood circulating than he did half an hour ago.
Pero lo que si ha cambiado es que tiene poca sangre circulando desde que llegó hace 30 minutos.
You need to keep the blood circulating while we figure this out.
Tienes que mantener la sangre circulando mientras resolvemos esto.
C'mon honey we gotta keep moving, we gotta keep the blood circulating.
Vamos, querida tenemos que seguir avanzando, tenemos que mantener la sangre circulando.
I do. (Stammering) It keeps the blood circulating, keeps you fit, yeah.
Sí... Te mantiene la sangre circulando, te mantiene en forma, sí...
Suddenly Cheryl had screamed that she felt the blood circulating in her legs, and her startled mother had let her go.
Y de pronto, Cheryl había gritado que sentía la sangre circulando por sus piernas, y su madre, desconcertada, la había soltado.
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