Translation for "c a" to spanish
C a
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Translation examples
C-PentaBDE will be banned in the state of California from 2008.
El estado de California prohibirá el pentaBDE comercial a partir de 2008.
(c) "Falsification of documents, smuggling and the white slave trade", held in Tapachula (Chiapas) and Tijuana (Baja California).
"Fraude de documentos, contrabando y trata de blancas", realizado en Tapachula (Chiapas) y Tijuana (Baja California);
Wolfman had the idea of packing a selection of our belongings and mailing them c/o General Delivery, Berkeley, California.
Wolfman tenía la idea de empaquetar una selección de nuestras pertenencias y enviarlas al Servicio de Correos, Berkeley, California.
And when they left to return to California, they wished her luck with the C-section, and told her to call as soon as she had the baby.
Y cuando sus hermanas se volvieron a California, le desearon suerte con la cesárea y le pidieron que las llamara en cuanto tuviera el bebé.
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