Translation for "copper is" to spanish
Translation examples
Copper ore and refined copper
Mineral de cobre y cobre refinado
Copper (II) oxide/ Copper hydroxide
Óxido de cobre (II) e hidróxido de cobre (II)
Industries are zinc, marketing, copper, and copper and cobalt.
Zinc, comercialización, cobre y cobre y cobalto.
Copper,’ murmured Koll, ‘copper, copper, and … silver!’
Cobre —musitó Koll—, cobre, cobre y… ¡plata!
It was made of pale stone and accented with copper: copper railings, and copper pillars, and sculpted copper canopies.
Estaba hecho de piedra clara y acentuado con cobre: barandas de cobre y columnas de cobre y doseles de cobre esculpidos.
He wants copper. Sent me in for copper.
—Quiere cobre. Me ha mandado en busca de cobre.
Not a copper of it.
—Ni una moneda de cobre.
Was she wearing a copper bracelet or any copper rings?
– ¿Llevaba un brazalete de cobre o algún anillo de cobre?
“That copper belongs to us!”
—¡El cobre es nuestro!
But what about the copper?
¿Pero qué hay del cobre?
the second, copper;
la segunda, de cobre;
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