Translation for "descends is" to spanish
Translation examples
It should also be borne in mind that Saudi Arabian society descended from that of the Bedouins and that each tribe had had its own customs.
Debe tenerse en cuenta asimismo que la sociedad árabe saudita desciende de los beduinos y que cada tribu tenía sus propias costumbres.
Conversely, people may choose to not identify with an ethnicity even though they are descended from ancestors with that ethnicity.
Inversamente, una persona puede optar por no identificarse con un origen étnico, aun cuando descienda de ese grupo étnico.
That people was not the indigenous population; it was composed of the descendants of British settlers and others whom the colonial Power had brought to Gibraltar.
Ese pueblo no está formado por la población autóctona; sino que desciende de colonos británicos y otras personas que la Potencia colonial trajo a Gibraltar.
The Bahamas, where the majority of our people are proud descendents of freed slaves, is participating at both the national and the regional levels in a number of commemorative activities.
La mayoría del pueblo de las Bahamas, que desciende con orgullo de esclavos liberados, participa a nivel nacional y regional en numerosas actividades conmemorativas.
The proportion of management positions in these organizations held by women increases with descending hierarchy.
Si se analizan los cargos directivos en el total de organizaciones la participación de las mujeres crece a medida que desciende la jerarquía de los cargos.
Most people considered that they were descended from a mixture of the two.
La mayoría considera que desciende de una mezcla de ambos.
To the north, the mountain chain descends to the Oti alluvial plain.
La cordillera desciende al norte sobre la planicie aluvial del Oti.
All Mauritanians are of course linked to their early origins and each is in effect a descendant of warriors, wise men, story tellers, blacksmiths, or slaves.
Todos los mauritanos tienen naturalmente orígenes remotos y cada uno de ellos desciende en efecto de guerreros, religiosos, narradores, herreros o esclavos.
A substantial part of our country's population is descended from Africa and our drums still speak the same language.
Una parte considerable de la población de nuestro país desciende de África y nuestros tambores siguen sonando en el mismo idioma.
As for the Turkic tribes from whom the modern-day Azerbaijani community is descended, they began to arrive in Transcaucasia between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries of the Common Era.
Las tribus turcas, en cambio, de las que desciende la etnia azerbaiyana contemporánea, comenzaron a aparecer en la Transcaucasia en los siglos XI a XIII de nuestra era.
The swarm descends.
El enjambre desciende.
You're descended from them.
desciendes de ellos.
The knife does not descend.
El cuchillo no desciende.
You are a descendent of the Potitii.
Desciendes de los Poticio.
her weight descends on him.
el peso de Ti desciende sobre él.
He descends into his depths.
Desciende a Sus profundidades.
'An eagle descending,' she said.
—Un águila que desciende.
Ascend had signified Descend!
había significado ¡desciende!
The road descends abruptly.
El camino desciende abruptamente.
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