Translation for "direct you" to spanish
Translation examples
I rode here to meet you, for I was instructed to direct you there.
Acudí a encontrarme contigo porque me ordenaron dirigirte aquí.
But I must direct you to that place in your mind where you access your power.
Pero debo dirigirte a esa parte de tu mente en la que accedes a tu poder.
They touch your back as though there’s a handle there, and direct you where they want you to go.
Te tocan la espalda como si tuvieras una manivela para dirigirte donde ellos quieren.
I will direct you from there.
Te dirigiré desde allí.
Their traffic control will direct you.
Su control de tráfico lo dirigirá.
Stay on the radio, I’ll direct you.
Mantente en la radio, te dirigiré.
But I could direct you to the family my servant spoke of.
Pero te dirigiré a la familia de la que habló mi criada.
"I can't and won't direct you, but that's where I would start.
Ni puedo, ni quiero dirigiros, pero yo empezaría por ahí.
“If you see anyone, then I can direct you to the agent who handles their bookings.”
Si ve alguno que le interese, le dirigiré al agente que se encarga de sus compromisos.
When you are a professional actor, then I will direct you.” He was fighting to check the anger in his voice.
Cuando tú seas actriz profesional, entonces te dirigiré —hablaba esforzándose por dominar el enojo que le tensaba te voz—.
A clouded smell. At first you could not find anyone to direct you. You could hear babies crying.
Un olor turbio. Al principio os costó dar con alguien a quien dirigiros. Oías llantos de bebé.
It will feed you. It will clothe you. It will guide you, protect you, direct you, sustain your very existence. If you let it Now that is what I know, for sure.
Te alimentará, te arropará, te guiará, te protegerá, te dirigirá y sustentará tu existencia, si le dejas. Eso lo sé con toda seguridad.
“If you have come to commission prayers or burn glyphwards, I would direct you toward the Devotary of Kelek, a little farther outward from here,” the ardent said, polishing a pair of spectacles and squinting at Kaladin.
—Si venís a encargar oraciones o quemar glifoguardas, deberíais dirigiros al Devotario de Kelek, un poco más hacia fuera —dijo el fervoroso, limpiándose los anteojos y mirando a Kaladin con los ojos entornados—.
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