Translation for "directed be" to spanish
Translation examples
Directed learning activity
Actividades de aprendizaje dirigidas
To whom directed
Dirigida a
Directed multilateral contribution
Contribución multilateral dirigida
It is not directed at the civilian population.
No está dirigida contra la población civil.
is directed at a worker;
i) vaya dirigido a un trabajador;
Directed Multilateral
Multilaterales dirigidas
It was directed at me.
Y estaba dirigida a mí.
Directed against –’
—¿Dirigidas contra…?
All directed at him.
Todo eso dirigido contra él.
Is a gaze directed at the mountain the same as a gaze directed at a person?
¿Es lo mismo una mirada dirigida a la montaña que una mirada dirigida a una persona?
Not directed at him.
Por lo menos dirigidos a él.
Directed, inspired.
Dirigido, inspirado.
The thought was directed at him.
—El pensamiento estaba dirigido a él—.
Directed against you.
Dirigidas contra usted.
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