Translation for "discontentedly" to spanish
Translation examples
The Wendys nodded discontentedly.
Las Wendys asintieron descontentas.
She stared discontentedly at her drink.
Se quedó mirando su copa con aire descontento.
“Just one more crime,” said Colomba discontentedly.
—Se trata solo del enésimo delito… —dijo Colomba, descontenta.
Floats Near Ceiling fluted discontentedly. <<So much calls.
Flota Cerca del Techo emitió un sonido aflautado de descontento. —Tantas llamadas.
After a moment, Mingsley continued discontentedly, ‘But I will admit I am disappointed.
Transcurrido un momento, Mingsley prosiguió, descontento: —Pero admito que me siento decepcionado.
As he watched, some of them started moving away, and he heard them muttering discontentedly among themselves.
Mientras miraba algunas empezaron a alejarse, y se oían murmullos de descontento.
“Well, wait now,” said the gentleman from the News discontentedly, “what are you giving us?
—Oiga, espere un poco —insistió el corresponsal del News, descontento—, ¿qué pretende hacernos creer?
"After all," said Antony discontentedly to Clodius, "I did very well out in Syria with Gabinius!
–Al fin y al cabo -le dijo Antonio con descontento a Clodio-, ¡me fue muy bien en Siria con Gabino!
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