Translation for "do think" to spanish
Translation examples
But, Pam, do think!
—Pero Pam, piensa un poco.
“What I do think is—”
—Lo que realmente pienso es que…
You do think it's Tim?
—¿Piensa que es Tim?
“You really do think of everything!”
—¡Realmente, piensas en todo!
Folks never do think
La gente nunca piensa
Oh, yes, you do think so.
—Oh, sí, eso es lo que piensas.
“But when you do think, what is it about?”
—Pero cuando lo hace, ¿en qué piensa?
You do think, don't you?
—Bueno, usted piensa, ¿no?
Er... if you do think of anything, please don't hesitate to give me a call.
Si se te ocurre algo, por favor, no dudes en llamarme.
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