Translation for "examine was" to spanish
Translation examples
:: Examine articles and places;
:: Examinar objetos y lugares
Such forums could examine:
Esos foros pueden examinar:
To examine goods.
:: Examinar las mercancías;
- The right to examine information;
- El derecho a examinar la información;
(a) Collect and examine evidence;
a) Reunir y examinar pruebas;
Examine progress
:: Examinar los progresos
This will be thoroughly examined.
Este tema se va a examinar a fondo.
To be examined at later stage
Por examinar en una etapa posterior
(a) To examine the petition;
a) Examinar la queja;
He’d examined what little there was to examine.
Examinó lo poco que había por examinar.
I'll examine it out there."
Lo examinaré fuera.
“There wasn't much to examine.
–No había mucho que examinar.
Examining the scene.
Examinar la escena.
Without examining the matter?
–¿Sin examinar el caso?
A doctor will examine you.
Un médico lo examinará.
Bends to examine something.
Se agacha para examinar algo.
I’ll have to examine their records.
Tendré que examinar los archivos.
One only has to examine-
Uno sólo tiene que examinar
I brought it to him to examine.
Se lo llevé para que lo examinara.
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