Translation for "flagships" to spanish
Translation examples
'That's the Horus, our flagship.
—Es la Horus, nuestro buque insignia.
my flagship, my memorial.
mi buque insignia, mi monumento.
Captain Burt's flagship.
El buque insignia del capitán Burt.
I’ll be at the flagship level.
Y yo voy a ser uno de sus buques insignia.
She was Mark Antony's flagship.
Era el buque insignia de Marco Antonio.
All we are in contact with is the flagship.
Sólo estamos en contacto con el buque insignia.
He has three, and the Dragonshield is his flagship.
Tiene tres, y el Dragonshield es su buque insignia.
Forget the flagship. Look over there.
—Olvídate del buque insignia. Mira allí.
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