Translation for "from pain" to spanish
From pain
Translation examples
The report states that he had been subjected to various forms of torture and subsequently suffered from severe headaches, as well as from pains in the right knee and right foot.
Se afirma que ha sido objeto de diversas formas de tortura y ha padecido después graves dolores de cabeza, así como dolores en la rodilla derecha y en el pie derecho.
It came from pain.
Vino del dolor.
and those running from pain.
y los que huyen del dolor.
This book was born from pain.
Este libro nace del dolor.
Apart from pain.
Aparte del dolor.
It comes from pain.
Viene del dolor.
You pretect them from pain!
Los proteges del dolor!
-" And then excuse from pain."
- "Luego, excusado del dolor..."
Always running away from pain.
"Siempre corriendo, huyendo del dolor."
- Freedom from pain.
- Librarse del dolor.
Of pain and respite from pain.
O dolor y alivio del dolor.
The relief from pain was immediate.
El alivio del dolor fue inmediato.
but they were also moist from pain.
pero estaban húmedos del dolor.
I released him from pain.
Yo lo liberé del dolor.
Sleep is not an escape from pain.
Dormir no sirve para escapar del dolor.
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