Translation for "front of her" to spanish
Translation examples
Not in front of her, no.
No delante de ella, no.
Right in front of her.
- justo delante de ella.
Not in front of her.
Delante de ella, no.
Off then front of her.
Incluso delante de ella.
I changed in front of her!
¡Me cambié delante de ella!
But the man in front of her …
Pero el hombre delante de ella
Do you smoke in front of her?
¿Fumas frente a ella?
Collapsed right in front of her.
Colapsó frente a ella.
You won't fall In front of her.
Frente a ella, no fracasarás.
- Don't curse in front of her.
No maldigas frente a ella.
Especially in front of her.
Especialmente frente a ella.
- I'm not talking in front of her.
- No hablaré frente a ella.
There was a drink in front of her.
Frente a ella había una copa.
There was a man in front of her.
Había un hombre frente a ella.
He was directly in front of her.
Estaba directamente frente a ella.
He crouched in front of her.
—se acuclilló frente a ella—.
They stepped in front of her, an ambush.
Se plantaron frente a ella.
I knelt down in front of her.
Me arrodillé frente a ella.
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