Translation for "game cock" to spanish
Game cock
Translation examples
I could match my cousin Jasper’s game-cock maturity with a sturdier fowl.
A la madurez de gallo de pelea de mi primo Jasper, yo podía oponer un ave más fuerte.
They were roaring with delight and excitement, egging on the two boys as though they were game cocks.
Todos rugían de entusiasmo y alegría, incitando a los dos chavales como si fueran gallos de pelea.
It sometimes took him several days to walk where there was going to be a cock fight, because they had to keep changing the places from one part of Merryweather County to another so the sheriff couldn’t catch up with Pa and the other men who owned game cocks and pitted them.
A veces le llevaba varios días ir a donde iba a haber una pelea de gallos, ya que tenían que cambiar los lugares de una parte del condado de Merryweather a otra, para que el sheriff no cogiera a Pa y a los otros hombres que poseían gallos de pelea y apostaban.
He had first met Manfred De La Rey twenty years ago, and for no apparent reason the two of them had flown at each other on the spot like young game cocks ,and fought a bloody bout of fisticuffs. Shasa grimaced at the way it had ended, the drubbing he had received still rankled even after all that time.
Había visto por primera vez a Manfred De La Rey veinte años antes; sin motivo aparente, ambos se habían arrojado el uno contra el otro, como jóvenes gallos de pelea, para enzarzarse en sanguinarios golpes. Shasa hizo una mueca al recordar el resultado;
She sat through the preliminary bouts, trying to appear interested in the lecture she was receiving from both Blaine and Shasa on the finer points of the contests, but the fighters in the lower weight divisions were so small and scrawny that they reminded her of underfed game cocks, and the flurry of action was fast enough to trick the eye.
Soportó las pruebas eliminatorias previas, tratando de demostrar interés en la conversación que le daban Blaine y Shasa, pero los combatientes de las categorías menores eran tan pequeños y esmirriados que parecían gallos de pelea desnutridos; la acción, en virtud de rápida, engañaba la vista.
For almost another hour Abel Khori flew at the impassive figure in the dock, extracting from him a series of damning admissions, so that when at last Abel Khori sat down, preening like a victorious game cock, Craig judged that Mr Joseph Petal had paid in heavy coin for any small advantage he might have gained by placing his client on the witness stand.
Durante casi una hora, Abel Khori hostigó al hombre impasible de la barra, lo obligó a confesar en su propio perjuicio y cuando por fin se sentó, pavoneándose como un gallo de pelea, Craig pensó que la jugada de poner al acusado en la barra le había costado muy cara al doctor Joseph Petal.
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