Translation for "give flexibility" to spanish
Give flexibility
Translation examples
The term “zone” is designed to give flexibility to this idea and attract potential participants and interested States to discuss it.
La palabra “zona” pretende dar flexibilidad a esta idea y atraer a posibles Estados participantes o interesados a discutir el asunto.
190. Furthermore, Mexico, in adding a general comment concerning the discussions in the Working Group and some elements found in the text of the report, stated that, even though giving flexibility to and streamlining the work of the Committee had some appeal, as far as the responsibilities of States parties under the optional protocol were concerned, it was important that those responsibilities should be clearly spelled out in the text of the protocol itself, inasmuch as it was a legally binding instrument.
Además, México agregó una observación general en el sentido de que en relación a lo discutido en el Grupo de Trabajo y algunos elementos que se percibían en el texto del informe - aun cuando pareciera atractivo dar flexibilidad y agilidad a los trabajos del Comité - en tanto se tratara de responsabilidades de los Estados o del Comité derivadas del protocolo facultativo, era importante que ellas quedaran claramente estipuladas en el texto mismo del protocolo, toda vez que se trataba de un instrumento jurídicamente vinculante para los Estados partes.
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