Translation for "goofiness" to spanish
Translation examples
Some goofy gus.
Un tipo tonto.
Yeah, it's goofy.
Sí, suena tonto.
- Because I'm goofy.
- Porque soy tonta.
- Don't be goofy.
- No seas tonto.
Nothing goofy, Dad.
Nada tonto, papá.
They're just goofy.
Esos son tontos.
Yes,sweetand goofy.
Si, lindo y tonto.
Made me goofy.
Me puso tonta.
The goofy smile.
Una sonrisa tonta.
My Mother’s Goofy Song
And he looked-well, goofy.
Su aspecto era… bueno, parecía un tonto.
I think you’re just a little goofy.
«Creo que eres un poco tonto».
'Scuse me, everybody, I was goofy," she said.
—Dispensen todos, estaba tonta —dijo—.
If he had, he was plenty goofy enough to play with them.
Si fuera así, era bastante tonto como para jugar con ellos.
There’s the goofy one with the bow tie, standing next to the painting.
Ahí está el tonto con la pajarita, parado al lado de la pintura.
I didn't like Seconal and Nembutal. They made you goofy and near-catatonic.
El Seconal y el Nembutal no me gustaban; me ponían tonto y casi catatónico.
But that was a goofy, crazy thing to do. Why would he do anything like that?
–Pero eso es la cosa más tonta y disparatada que podía hacer. ¿Por qué iba a querer hacer eso?
I think it's all caught up with you and you're getting goofy as a shithouse rat.
Todo esto puede con usted y la está volviendo más tonta que una rata de alcantarilla.
She once told me, secretly, that she thought Father's books were goofy.
Una vez me dijo, en secreto, que opinaba que los libros de mi padre eran tontos.
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