Translation for "had examined" to spanish
Had examined
Translation examples
The fact that Godfrey had examined her mother's will only hours before he proposed to her was enough to convince her that he was marrying her for her wealth.
El hecho de que Godfrey había examinado el testamento de su madre sólo horas antes de proponérsele a ella fue suficiente para convencerla de que él se casaba por su fortuna.
If you were told that Dr. Young had examined the glass after he had discovered that Colonel Paradine was dead...
Si yo Ie dijera que eI Dr. Young había examinado Ia copa... después de descubrir que Paradine había muerto... y estaba limpia.
And then half-an-hour later - you won't believe this - I found him crying his eyes out, cos the police surgeon had examined him.
Y entonces, media hora después, no lo vas a creer, me lo encontré llorando como una magdalena porque el médico de la policía lo había examinado.
He had examined the petals of that flower.
Había examinado los pétalos de esa flor.
Nóra had examined the swollen fingers.
Nóra había examinado los dedos hinchados.
No one had examined Randall since.
Nadie había examinado a Randall desde entonces.
Vargas had examined a few of the young-women acrobats;
Vargas había examinado a algunas de las jóvenes acróbatas;
That had been his position when the doctor had examined him.
En esta posición le había examinado el médico.
GLOCK BROUGHT IN a psychiatrist who had examined Beemer.
Glock llamó a un psiquiatra que había examinado a Beemer.
D'Arnot and Monsieur Flaubert had examined both pistols.
D'Arnot y monsieur Flaubert habían examinado ya las pistolas.
He reached for the older document, which he had examined earlier.
—Buscó el documento más antiguo, que ya había examinado antes—.
The doctor who had examined the body was just ahead of me.
El médico que había examinado el cadáver iba delante de mí.
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