Similar context phrases
Translation examples
Trudi, in a casque of hair curlers, but still fully dressed, seemed to be transfixed by astonishment.
Trudi, bajo un casco de rizadores del cabello, aunque aún completamente vestida, parecía atónita de asombro.
Meme’s room became filled with pumice-stone cushions to polish her nails with, hair curlers, toothbrushes, drops to make her eyes languid, and so many and such new cosmetics and artifacts of beauty that every time Fernanda went into the room she was scandalized by the idea that her daughter’s dressing table must have been the same as those of the French matrons.
El cuarto de Meme se llenó de almohadillas de piedra pómez para pulirse las uñas, rizadores de cabellos, brilladores de dientes, colirios para languidecer la mirada, y tantos y tan novedosos cosméticos y artefactos de belleza que cada vez que Fernanda entraba en el dormitorio se escandalizaba con la idea de que el tocador de la hija debía ser igual al de las matronas francesas.
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