Translation for "have a talk with" to spanish
Translation examples
I have to talk to you—
Tengo que hablar contigo… —¿Hablar conmigo?
- We must have a talk with him.
- Debemos tener una charla con él.
I should have a talk with her.
Debería tener una charla con ella.
- I'll have a talk with Havstein.
- Voy a tener una charla con Havstein.
I must have a talk with Madeline.
Debo tener una charla con Madeline.
I decided to have a talk with her.
Decidí tener una charla con ella.
We should probably have a talk with him.
Deberíamos tener una charla con él.
Let's go have a talk with Duke.
Vamos a tener una charla con Duke.
I'll have a talk with angelika.
Voy a tener una charla con Angelika.
We'll have a talk with them.
Vamos a tener una charla con ellos.
I needed to have a talk with Bucket.
Necesitaba tener una charla con Cangilón.
I’d really like to have a talk with him.’
Te aseguro que me gustaría mucho tener una charla con él.
“I see we’re going to have a talk.
—Me parece que vamos a tener una charla.
I suddenly decided it was time to have a talk with her.
Decidí que era el momento de tener una charla con ella.
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