Translation for "hour after hour" to spanish
Hour after hour
Translation examples
...for him, hour after hour I just wait.
...por él, esperaré hora tras hora.
- Hour after hour, saying the same thing - Mr. Vincent.
Digo lo mismo hora tras hora.
Hour after hour they waited under the hot sun.
Hora tras hora, aguardaron bajo el ardiente sol.
It's a meal that keeps on giving hour after hour after hour.
Es una comida que se da hora, tras hora, tras hora.
I spent hour after hour playing football all by myself.
Pasé hora tras hora jugando fútbol yo solo.
We met hour after hour after hour in the Pentagon.
Nos reuníamos hora tras hora tras hora en el Pentágono.
Hour after hour, practising his alchemy.
Hora tras hora, practicando su alquimia.
Hour after hour, night after night. Relentlessly.
Hora tras hora, noche tras noche, implacablemente.
They walked on, hour after hour.
Siguieron andando, hora tras hora.
Hour after hour towards the morning watch, and hour after hour the wind increased.
Hora tras hora iban acercándose a la guardia de alba, y hora tras hora el viento iba aumentando de intensidad.
The discussion dragged on, hour after hour.
La charla se prolongó, hora tras hora.
It will spit these messages hour after hour.
Y escupirá estos mensajes hora tras hora.
Hour after hour, we long for a shower,
hora tras hora, anhelamos una ducha,
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