Translation for "hundred to one" to spanish
Hundred to one
Translation examples
About a hundred to one, the odds of getting out of here alive.
Son de alrededor de cien a uno, las probabilidades de salir de aquí con vida.
Well, we hadn't anything to say in the matter as there were hundreds to one.
No teníamos nada que decir sobre el asunto ya que nos superaban cien a uno.
The odds are a hundred-to-one against us, but we'll certainly give it our best shot.
Las probabilidades son de cien a uno en contra de nosotros, pero sin duda daremos nuestro mejor golpe.
‘At the moment, a hundred to one.’
—De momento, cien a uno.
“I’d bet a hundred to one she doesn’t.
Cien a uno a que no.
A hundred to one you make it a minute.
Cien a uno a que duras un minuto.
Gay will speed-zip it, a hundred to one.
Gay lo transmitirá a velocidad acelerada, cien a uno.
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