Translation for "hushed-up" to spanish
Translation examples
It is being hushed up.
Está siendo silenciado.
The affair evidently requires fairly heavy hushing up, and Mr.
El asunto evidentemente tiene que ser silenciado, y Mr.
Perhaps there was another case of this at another local hospital and it was being hushed up .
¿Y si había otro caso semejante en otro hospital y se había silenciado?
Kasandra was good at knowing things that were hushed up by the government, especially considering that they had been, well, hushed up.
Kasandra solía saber esas cosas que el gobierno silenciaba, especialmente si tenemos en cuenta que, bueno, que las habían silenciado.
Simon wondered briefly if news of the marshal’s death had been hushed up.
Simon se preguntó si habrían silenciado adrede la muerte del mariscal.
All the events around Dutiful’s disappearance had been hushed up or explained away.
Todos los hechos que rodeaban la desaparición de Dedicado se habían silenciado o justificado con las más variopintas excusas.
They had all been carefully hushed up, of course, and wherever possible, the records had been sealed.
Todos se habían silenciado celosamente, desde luego, y siempre que fue posible se «traspapelaron» los expedientes.
As Bachmann saw it, the authorial ‘I’ has to expose itself to that which has been hushed up or silenced and then present it within the text.
El yo que escribe en el sentido de Bachmann tiene que exponerse a aquello que se ha callado o silenciado y describirlo.
“Three hushed-up harassment cases in New York and Chicago and the two warnings you’ve had here.
—Tres casos de acoso silenciados en Nueva York y Chicago, más las dos advertencias que ya has recibido aquí.
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