Translation for "i yelled" to spanish
Translation examples
He yelled, then I yelled.
Él gritó y luego yo grité.
I yelled at the lieutenant.
—le grité al teniente.
<Aaaaahhh!> I yelled.
—¡Aaaaahhhhhhh!, —grité.
I yelled at the lion.
– le grité al león.
What the hell is this? I yell.
¿Qué es esto?, le grito.
I yell after her, “I’m Bill.” I yell, “My name is Bill Henderson.”
Y le grito: —Soy Bill. —Le grito—: Me llamo Bill Henderson.
I yelled in the rain.
grité bajo la lluvia—.
‘You shitbag,’ I yelled.
—Eres un mierda —grité—.
    'It's okay,' I yelled.
–Está bien -grité-.
I yelled from the door.
-grité desde la puerta.
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