Translation for "in reading is" to spanish
Translation examples
The libraries organize a reading programme to encourage young readers to develop regular reading habits and to widen their reading experience.
447. Las bibliotecas organizan un programa de lectura para alentar a los jóvenes lectores a desarrollar hábitos de lectura habitual y ampliar su experiencia en materia de lectura.
There was reading as prayer, reading as ritual, reading as messaging, and reading as reasoning.
Había lectura como oración, lectura como rito, lectura como mensaje y lectura como razonamiento.
"About the readings--" "Reading?"
—Respecto a la lectura… —¿Lectura?
There is a dead reading and a living reading.
Hay una lectura muerta y una lectura viva.
But reading, no, and particularly not reading fat novels.
Pero la lectura no, y en especial la lectura de novelas largas.
But that was reading;
Pero eso era la lectura.
Reading will suffer, won’t it—pleasure reading, anyway?”
—La lectura sufrirá, ¿verdad? O, al menos, la lectura por placer.
All that effortful reading for nothing! And not only reading.
¡Todas aquellas lecturas fatigosas para nada! Y no sólo lecturas.
A reading of the will.
–Una lectura del testamento.
No more reading for you.
No más lectura para ti.
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