Translation for "inhabitants in" to spanish
Inhabitants in
Translation examples
The urban population stands at 21,552,451 inhabitants, with a projection for 2035 of 36,207,668 inhabitants.
La población urbana es de 21.552.451 habitantes, con una proyección para el año 2035 de 36.207.668 habitantes.
International Internet bandwidth per inhabitant (bits/second/inhabitant)
Acceso internacional de banda ancha a Internet por habitante (bits/segundo/habitante)
1 doctor for 11,171 inhabitants compared with 1 for 10,000 inhabitants;
1 médico por cada 11.171 habitantes, frente a 1 por cada 10.000 habitantes;
A6 International Internet bandwidth per inhabitant (bits/second/inhabitant)
A6 Ancho de banda de Internet internacional por habitante (bits/segundo/habitante)
217. Venezuela has one doctor for every 516 inhabitants; one professional nurse for every 1,306 inhabitants; one auxiliary nurse for every 447 inhabitants; one dentist for every 2,018 inhabitants; one hospital bed for every 427 inhabitants; and one pharmacist for every 3,290 inhabitants.
217. Venezuela posee un médico por cada 516 habitantes; una enfermera profesional por cada 1.306 habitantes; una enfermera auxiliar por cada 447 habitantes; un odontólogo por cada 2.018 habitantes; una cama hospitalaria por cada 427 habitantes; y un farmacéutico por cada 3.290 habitantes.
12. The largest number of inhabitants in Serbia, 6,620,699 of them, indicated Serbian as their mother tongue, followed by Hungarian as the mother tongue of 286,508 inhabitants, Bosnian of 136,749 inhabitants and Roma of 82,242 inhabitants.
12. La mayoría de los habitantes de Serbia (6.620.699) señalaron el serbio como su lengua materna, seguido por el húngaro (286.508 habitantes), el bosniaco (136.749 habitantes) y el romaní (82.242 habitantes).
The rural exodus is at the root of urban population growth, particularly that in Lomé (900,000 inhabitants in 1998), Sokodé (76,400 inhabitants), Kara (72,000 inhabitants), Kpalimé (54,000 inhabitants), Atakpamé (53,000 inhabitants) and Dapaong (37,500 inhabitants).
El éxodo rural originó un aumento de las poblaciones urbanas, especialmente en Lomé (900.000 habitantes en 1998), Sokodé (76.400 habitantes), Kara (72.000 habitantes), Kpalimé (54.000 habitantes), Atakpamé (53.000 habitantes) y Dapaong (37.500 habitantes).
A village of 300 inhabitants, in the middle of the mountains.
Un pueblo con 300 habitantes, en el medio de las montañas.
There's no inhabitant in that area.
No hay habitantes en esa zona.
The air of North America is notoriously stimulating in this regard, as witness the regrettable behaviour of its inhabitants in 1776.
El aire de Norteamérica es notoriamente estimulante a este respecto, como atestigua el lamentable comportamiento de sus habitantes en 1776.
We got 366 inhabitants in Wheatsylvania.
Hay 366 habitantes en Wheatsylvania.
however, i don't believe the rest of the inhabitants in your system want you deciding their fate.
Sin embargo, no creo que el resto de los habitantes en su sistema deseen que ustedes decidan su destino.
At least we know there are still some inhabitants in this house.
Al menos sabemos que aún hay habitantes en esta casa.
There are 1 1,000 inhabitants in this colony.
Capitán, hay unos 11.000 habitantes en esa colonia.
We have 350,000 inhabitants in the downtown.
Hay 350.000 habitantes en la ciudad de Bilbao.
And each has moulded its inhabitants in its own way.
Y cada uno ha moldeado sus habitantes en su propio camino.
“There are no inhabitants,”
—No hay habitantes —dijiste—.
Inhabitants of Jupiter?
¿Habitantes de Júpiter?
An inhabitant of the desert?
¿Un habitante del desierto?
Where are the inhabitants?
—¿Dónde están los habitantes?
But they saw no inhabitants.
No vieron habitantes.
And the inhabitants themselves?
—¿Y los habitantes locales?
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