Translation for "it cleans" to spanish
Translation examples
It was not very clean water.
No era agua limpia.
under the clean development mechanism
clean closure:
Cierre limpio:
Clean combustion
Combustión limpia
Lookin’ clean, lookin’ clean.
Estar limpio, estar limpio.
Clean kill, clean exit.
Asesinato limpio, salida limpia.
When she cleans the house she cleans it.
Cuando limpia la casa, la limpia.
It smells spotlessly clean. Too clean.
Todo huele a limpio. Demasiado limpio.
Though Marie is clean --really clean, as the French are.
Aunque Marie es muy limpia… muy limpia, como todos los franceses.
We're clean here, clean as a 'Bama stream!
Aquí estamos limpios, limpios como un arroyo de Alabama.
Other than that, it was a clean job. Clean and dignified.
Pero aparte de eso, era un trabajo limpio. Limpio y digno.
I clean that shelf well and clean it quickly.
Limpio esta estantería bien y la limpio deprisa.
Go? Ironically, its status? Minimum and behavior It may worsen as it cleans.
Irónicamente, su estado de ánimo y el comportamiento puede empeorar, ya que limpia.
They say it cleans the air for us.
Dice que limpia nuestro aire.
Until it's clean the water.
- Hasta que limpie el agua.
It's completely natural, it's completely safe, and it cleans better than any product on the market.
Es completamente natural, es completamente seguro, y que limpia mejor que cualquier producto en el mercado.
- Look at that, it's clean everywhere!
¡Mirad que limpio está todo!
Just sit back and let it clean out the impurities.
Sólo recúestate y deja que limpie las impurezas.
The vibration activates the broom and it cleans up the mess.
La vibración activa la escoba que limpia el desorden.
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