Translation for "it was they gave" to spanish
Translation examples
These affirmations gave us hope.
Tales afirmaciones nos dieron esperanzas.
gave rise to a debate within the Commission.
dieron lugar a un debate en la Comisión.
All these studies gave negative findings.
Todos estos estudios dieron resultados negativos.
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
Trayendo los regalos que me dieron mis ancestros,
Many gave it life.
Muchos le dieron vida.
The Babylonians gave the world the alphabet.
Los babilonios dieron al mundo el alfabeto.
This is what they gave me.
—Esto es lo que me dieron.
They gave it to somebody else.
Se la dieron a otro.
Not since they gave me this.
Y todo desde que me dieron esto.
‘Here’s what they gave us.
–Esto es lo que nos dieron.
They gave us some as well.
A nosotros también nos dieron.
They gave their names.
Le dieron sus nombres.
They gave their lives for this.
Dieron su vida por esto.
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