Translation for "judge yourself" to spanish
Translation examples
But, Clarice, you judge yourself with all the mercy of the dungeon scales at Threave;
Pero, Clarice, te juzgas con la misma piedad que la balanza de la mazmorra de Threave;
I believe you simply to have too severely judged yourself for your past conduct.
Creo, sencillamente, que se juzga a sí misma con excesiva severidad por su conducta pasada.
The lambs will stop for now. But, Clarice, you judge yourself with all the mercy of the dungeon scales at Threave; you'll have to earn it again and again, the blessed silence.
Los corderos se habrán callado de momento, pero usted, Clarice, se juzga a sí misma con la piedad de la balanza del Averno y tendrá que ganarse una y otra vez ese bendito silencio.
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