Translation for "keep at a distance" to spanish
Keep at a distance
Translation examples
:: Obligating the aggressor to keep a certain distance from the victim or the victim's home, his/her children, relatives, home or education facility.
Obligar al agresor a mantener cierta distancia de la víctima, sus hijos y parientes o de su hogar o su establecimiento educativo.
In Gautier, to see means to keep at a distance.
En Gautier, ver significa mantener una distancia.
To do my job, I have to keep a professional distance.
—Mi trabajo requiere mantener una distancia profesional.
Larry Cochran tried to keep a discreet distance away.
Larry Cochran intentaba mantener una distancia discreta.
It was just smart not to get involved, to keep a professional distance. And now?
Lo más inteligente era no involucrarse, mantener una distancia profesional. ¿Y ahora?
Just the same, I was sure to keep a little distance between us.
De todas formas, me aseguré de mantener cierta distancia entre nosotros.
Tom retreated one step back, mainly to keep a certain distance from her.
Tom retrocedió un paso, más que nada para mantener cierta distancia entre él y Susie.
I did not want any of that kind of trouble, and to keep a cordial distance would be best.
No quería complicarme la vida y prefería mantener una distancia cordial.
‘Very affable and civil, you know, but knows how to keep a proper distance,’ said Lord William.
—Es muy afable y cortés, pero sabe mantener las distancias —dijo—.
It was all she could do not to try to keep that original distance, he made her that nervous.
No podía hacer nada por mantener la distancia original y se puso nerviosa.
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