Translation for "link them" to spanish
Link them
Translation examples
All we had were victims and no way to link them to him.
Solo teníamos a las víctimas, y no había forma de vincularlo con ellas.
Then we find the bodies but have no way to link them to him.
Luego encontramos los cadáveres pero no hay forma de vincularlos con él.
More than anything she’d now learned to approach things without linking them to their function.
Sobre todo había aprendido ahora a aproximarse a las cosas sin vincularlas a su función.
Bitterblue said, suddenly uncomfortable, and trying to remember the details of the attack on Teddy without linking them to Po in her mind.
—De repente se sentía incómoda e intentó recordar los detalles del ataque contra Teddy sin vincularlo con Po en su mente.
He received impressions which were magnified by terror, but he did not link them together in his mind, nor form any conclusion on them.
Percibía impresiones a través del crecimiento del espanto, pero sin vincularlas en su mente y sin sacar conclusiones.
Paul’d always done top-notch work for them, never leaving a bit of evidence that could link them to the touch-off.
Paul siempre les había hecho trabajos de primera, sin dejar nunca la menor pista que pudiera vincularlos con el despachado.
And they took not only the jewels, but the skeleton as well—the less evidence left behind, the less chance of linking them to crimes both old and new.
Y se llevaron no solo las joyas, sino también el esqueleto; cuantas menos pruebas dejasen, menos posibilidades habría de vincularlos a los crímenes, tanto al antiguo como al nuevo.
How about taking a new look at the old victims to see if we can link them to Castle? I' m already doing that. Greene smiled.
—¿Qué te parece si echamos otra mirada a las víctimas anteriores para ver si podemos vincularlas con Castle? —Ya lo he hecho. Greene sonrió.
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