Translation for "living room" to spanish
Translation examples
"Small" rooms have two dormitories with 10 to 12 beds, joint TV room, living room, lavatory and sanitary unit.
Los pabellones "pequeños" tienen dos dormitorios con 10 a 12 camas, una sala de televisión, una sala de estar, lavatorio y retrete.
"Large" rooms have four dormitories with 10 to 12 beds, joint TV room, living room, lavatory and sanitary units.
Los pabellones "grandes" tienen cuatro dormitorios con 10 a 12 camas, una sala de televisión, sala de estar, lavatorio y retretes.
This was in the living room.
Estábamos en la sala de estar.
They were in the living room.
Estaban en la sala de estar.
They entered the living room.
Entraron en la sala de estar.
Go in the living room.
Andá al living. ¡Andá al living!
We were in the living room.
Estábamos en el living.
They sat in the living room.
Se sentaron en el living.
There was no one in the living room.
No había nadie en el living.
We sat in our living room.
Nos sentamos en nuestro living.
A tiger in the living room, though.
Aunque un tigre en el living, sí.
“Paint the living room,”
“Paint the living room,”
“But your living room!”
“But your living room!”
Then he went into the dark living room.
Entró en el oscuro living.
She came into the living room with Ruthie.
Entró en el living con Ruthie.
Back in the living room, Sam was still breathing a bit hard.
En la estancia, Sam aún respiraba agitadamente.
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