Translation for "looking as" to spanish
Looking as
Translation examples
Mirando hacia el futuro
Looking forward" 75
mirando al futuro" 77
Looking ahead: safeguarding the mandate
Mirando al futuro: la salvaguardia del mandato
VII. Looking ahead
VII. Mirando al futuro
Looking forward" 16
mirando al futuro" 16
She... she look as if she has just been.
Ella... está mirando como si acabase de...
Still, she is as fierce-looking as the French army.
Sin embargo, ella es tan feroz mirando como el ejército Francés.
I kept looking... As if I could reverse the film again and again, and every time I did...
Seguí mirando como si pudiera regresar la película varias veces.
Jack was his old self one minute and... ..the next he was sitting at this bar, looking as if he'd just seen a ghost.
Jack era él mismo en un minuto y ... al siguiente estaba sentado en este bar, mirando como si hubiera visto un fantasma.
We went to your home and looked, as you may know.
Hemos estado en tu casa y mirando, como tú sabes.
And don't sit there looking as if it's all my fault.
Y no te quedes ahí mirando como si fuese culpa mía.
She kept walking and looking, looking, looking, seeing.
Siguió andando y mirando, mirando, mirando, viendo.
He’s not looking at peace, he’s looking at you.
No está mirando la paz, te está mirando a ti.
Looking to buy or looking to sell?”
—¿Mirando para comprar o mirando para vender?
He went on looking and looking at the paper.
Siguió mirando y mirando el papel.
I'm looking at your sideburns. What am I looking at?
—Te estoy mirando las patillas. ¿Qué estoy mirando?
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