Translation for "lure away" to spanish
Lure away
Translation examples
But he could have been lured away from his post.
Pero puede que lo engañaran para que se apartara de su puesto.
‘The poor benighted creatures we manage to lure away from universities to take this course wouldn’t know a thematic approach if they saw one,’ said Dr Board.
–Esas pobres criaturas ignorantes que logremos apartar de las universidades para seguir ese curso no conocerían un enfoque temático aunque lo vieran -dijo el doctor Board-.
The passenger trains were already threatened, as air travel was beginning to lure away the human travelers who had previously bought tickets on the high-speed special express trains with the glamorous names.
Los trenes de pasajeros ya estaban amenazados, porque los viajes en avión empezaban a apartar a los viajeros que antes sacaban billete para los trenes rápidos especiales de alta velocidad de nombre tan atractivo.
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