Translation for "much less successful" to spanish
Translation examples
Younger, much less successful sibling, covets his big bro's gazillions.
El hermano más joven y mucho menos exitoso, envidia el dinero del hermano.
He even tried his hand on poetry, though, as history will probably judge, with much less success.
Incluso trató con la poesía, aunque con mucho menos éxito, como probablemente lo juzgará la historia.
“You’ve been much less successful than you think,” replied Rorden, somewhat disconcertingly.
—Has tenido mucho menos éxito de lo que crees —replicó Rorden, desconcertante—.
They have been much less successful, however, in offering a positive source of reform for Western culture.
Han tenido mucho menos éxito, sin embargo, a la hora de ofrecer una fuente positiva de reforma para la cultura occidental.
At some point one must convert awareness into action, and this is where tools like Twitter and Facebook prove much less successful.
En algún momento hay que transformar la concienciación en acción, y es aquí donde herramientas como Twitter y Facebook tienen mucho menos éxito.
And now I continually ask myself what did he use to think about in the solitary night: I try fervently in the darkness to divine the current of his thoughts, and I have much less success with this than with my mental visits to places which I have never seen.
Y ahora yo me pregunto continuamente qué solía pensar en la noche solitaria: intento fervorosamente en la oscuridad adivinar la corriente de sus pensamientos, y tengo mucho menos éxito con esto que con mis visitas mentales a lugares que nunca he visto.
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