Translation for "multi colored" to spanish
Multi colored
Translation examples
He was carrying a multi-colored armful.
Llevaba en los brazos un toldo multicolor.
Some were topped by multi-color ribbons.
Lazos multicolores remataban algunas de las piezas.
The asbestos shingles on the roof were multi-colored.
Las placas de fibra de amianto del techo eran multicolores.
The victim was wearing a multi-colored (blue and black) dress.
La víctima llevaba un vestido multicolor (azul y negro).
The multi-colored bulbs were tucked in shrubs and entwined in trees.
Las bombillitas multicolores estaban colgadas de los matorrales y enroscadas a las ramas de los árboles.
Multi-colored triangles, stars, and fiery orbs rained down the screen.
En la pantalla llovían triángulos multicolores, estrellas y esferas en llamas.
Buckman’s teeth glowed in the faint multi-colored light of the control panel.
—Los dientes de Buckman brillaron a la desmayada luz multicolor del tablero de control—.
And the Christmas tree at Balliol lit with multi-colored strings of laser lights.
Y el árbol de Navidad de Balliol, encendido con cadenas multicolores de luces láser.
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