Translation for "not married" to spanish
Translation examples
The service is free and is available to married and non-married couples.
El servicio es gratuito y está disponible para parejas casadas o no casadas.
Married Formerly married Unmarried
Casadas Ex casadas Solteras
I have two sons who are married in Botswana, three girls who are married in Uganda, one son who is married in Kenya and another son who is married in El Segundo, California.
Tengo dos hijos casados en Botswana, tres hijas casadas en Uganda, un hijo casado en Kenya y otro hijo casado en El Segundo, California.
Inclined to marry to us, but not married
Inclinados a casarnos, pero no casados
His parents were not married.
Es hijo de padres no casados.
Listen, married, not married, don't be so American.
Escucha, casado o no casado, no seas tan americana.
I thought you were... not married.
Pensé que tú eran ... no casada.
Indeed! And she came back pregnant and not married!
Pues, ella volvió preñada, pero no casada.
We're only engaged. We're not married yet.
¡Estamos comprometidos, pero no casados...!
You mean they're together but not married?
¿Quieres decir que están juntos pero no casados?
I like "not married" just fine.
Y me gusta lo de "no casada".
Four ... not married.
Cuatro... no casados.
‘Then he’s married.’ ‘He is not married.
—O sea, que está casado. —No está casado.
"Is he married?" "No, he's not married.
—¿Casado? —No, ¿por qué ha de ser casado?
When they were married, when they were married!
¡Cuando estuvieran casados, cuando estuvieran casados…!
"You're married?" "No." "Married to your work?
—¿Está casado? —No. —¿Está casado con su trabajo?
Is she married or something?” “No, she isn’t married or something.
¿Está casada? —No, no está casada.
If you’re married, stay married.
Si estás casado sigue casado.
Married, divorced, married again;
Casado, divorciado, casado otra vez;
The blackguard was marriedmarried to Lila.
Ese pillo estaba casado, casado con Lila.
But she never married.
Pero ella sigue soltera.
“He’s not married,” she said.
—Está soltero —contestó—.
Mr Clancy was not married.
El señor Clancy era soltero.
“All the men who aren’t married.
—Todos los hombres solteros.
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