Translation for "of appointment" to spanish
Translation examples
I appeal to them not to miss that important appointment.
Les ruego sinceramente que no falten a esta cita importante.
Frequently scheduled and given by appointment.
Se ofrecen frecuentemente visitas guiadas con cita previa.
Manhattan tours are frequently scheduled and given by appointment.
En Manhattan se ofrecen visitas guiadas previa cita.
They work on an appointment basis, but there is no mechanism to restrain access.
Atienden previa concertación de una cita, pero no hay nada que restrinja el acceso a ellos.
This is an appointment with history that we cannot and must not avoid.
Esta es una cita con la historia que no podemos ni debemos eludir.
Well, what kind of appointment?
Bueno, ¿qué clase de cita?
Your father had some sort of appointment, so I didn't even have to make an excuse.
Tu padre tenía algún tipo de cita, ni tuve que inventar ningún pretexto
Oh... that kind of appointment, huh?
Oh... esa clase de cita, ¿eh?
Well, it depends what type of appointment he had with the doctor. I mean, do we think Willing's business was a cover?
Bueno, eso depende de que tipo de cita tenía con el doctor, quiero decir, creemos que el negocio de Willing era una tapadera?
Appointment, what kind of appointment?
–Una cita, ¿qué tipo de cita?
"You had an appointment, did you?" "Well, not exactly an appointment."
—Por lo visto, tenía usted una cita. —Bueno; no era exactamente una cita.
I have an appointment.
- Tengo una cita.
       'But I have an appointment.'
—Pero yo tengo una cita.
“We have an appointment.”
—Tenemos una cita.
We had an appointment, and…
Teníamos una cita y…
An Appointment with Knowledge
The appointment is canceled!
¡La cita ha sido cancelada!
Here's my Letter of Appointment.
Aquí está mi carta de nombramiento.
My appointment at Wabash...
Ni nombramiento en Wabash…
This appointment is in the nature of a trial.
Este nombramiento es una prueba.
Your appointment's announced.'
Su nombramiento ya ha sido anunciado.
I refuse the appointment!
—¡Rechazo el nombramiento!
My appointment is temporary.
Mi nombramiento es temporal.
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