Translation for "of died" to spanish
Of died
Translation examples
Angolans died.
Han muerto angoleños.
Died of HIV
Muertes a causa de VIH
Whose parents died
Con padres muertos
326. When two or more persons have died and it can be not proved as to who died first, then 9 for legal effect they are considered to have died at the same time.
326. Si dos o más personas han muerto y no se puede comprobar el orden en que se produjeron esas muertes, se considerará a los efectos legales que todas las muertes se produjeron a la vez.
Trafficker died suddenly
Muerte súbita del traficante
Chávez has not died.
Chávez no ha muerto.
Died of AIDS
Muertes a causa de SIDA
Thousands have died.
Han muerto miles.
You just sort of died.
Fue una especie de muerte.
Then that animal... it must have died of... died of...
Entonces este animal se ha muerto de... muerto de...
He sort of died in battle cos he was fighting cancer, so we'll give him a warrior's funeral.
Él especie de muerto en la batalla porque él estaba luchando contra el cáncer, así que le daremos el funeral de un guerrero.
Sort of died.
Una especie de muerto.
The Earth is filled of died and dying in body and spirit.
La tierra está repleta de muertos y moribundos en cuerpo y espíritu.
Oh, we sort of died laughing at the irony, and then we cried about it.
Oh, tenemos una especie de muerto se ríe de la ironía, y luego lloramos al respecto.
They died in there….” “Died?”
Han muerto ahí dentro… —¿Muerto?
Some who have died would not have died.
Algunos que han muerto no habrían muerto.
And when you died just now, we also died.
Y tu muerte ha sido un poco la muerte de todos nosotros.
They would have died then, who had died earlier.
Las que habían muerto antes habrían muerto entonces.
I am you, so when you died I died.
Yo soy tú, y, por tanto, cuando tú has muerto, yo estoy muerto.
And she died. She died because I was stupid.
Y ha muerto. Ha muerto por culpa de mi estupidez.
If he’d died, Aaron would have died, too.
Si él hubiera muerto, Aaron habría muerto con él.
"Angie's husband died."        "Died?" asked the other.
El marido de Angie ha muerto. —¿Muerto? —preguntó la otra.
He has died a million times since he died.
Ha muerto un millón de veces desde su muerte.
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