Translation for "of whom at be" to spanish
Translation examples
Given that René was sentenced to "only" 15 years and that, being a United States citizen, he may continue to live in the United States after his release, the Government, through the prosecutor, Caroline Heck Miller, asked that these factors should be taken into account in the sentence: "We have focused on incapacitation in our sentencing memorandum because of our concern that this defendant following his release will in fact continue to persist in his activity" (ibid., p. 26). "He is free to remain in this country upon his release, and Your Honor we have heard the words of a dangerous man and a man for whom incapacitation is a particular sentencing factor we would submit to the Court should be taken into account" (ibid., p. 27).
Como René "sólo" fue condenado a 15 años y, por ser ciudadano norteamericano, después podría seguir viviendo en Estados Unidos, el Gobierno, por medio de la fiscal Caroline Heck Miller, solicitó que esto fuese tomado en cuenta en la sentencia: "We have focused on incapacitation in our sentencing memorandum because of our concern that this defendant following his release will in fact continue to persist in his activity " ibíd., pág. 26). "He is free to remain in this country upon his release, and, Your Honor, we have heard the words of a dangerous man and a man for whom incapacitacion is a particular sentencing factor we would submit to the Court should be taken into account" (ibíd., pág. 27).
Ms. ZOU said that she did not understand the meaning of the expression "the delegation of responsibilities which should be exercised by State officials" at the end of the paragraph. What responsibilities were meant and to whom were they delegated?
16. La Sra. ZOU no comprende bien el sentido de la expresión "the delegation of responsibilities which should be exercised by State officials" que figura al final del párrafo. ¿De qué responsabilidades se trata y en quién se delegan?
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