Translation for "problem of being" to spanish
Problem of being
Translation examples
Hammond was discovering for the very first time 'the problems of being tall.'
Hammond estaba descubriendo por primera vez de los problemas de ser alto .
The problem of being an artist... is that it takes a lot of time learning the technique.
El problema de ser artista... es que lleva mucho tiempo aprender la técnica.
This is the problem of being a gunman.
Es el problema de ser un pistolero.
This is the problem of being a woman's man
Ese es el problema de ser el hombre de una mujer.
And we'll have none of the problems of being needed.
Y no tendremos ninguno de los problemas de ser necesarios.
The problem of being a Muslim is our position in this country.
El problema no es Hassini. El problema de ser musulmán es nuestra posición en este país.
That was the problem with being a redhead.
Ese era el problema de ser pelirroja.
Well, that was one of the problems of being a cop.
Bueno, ése era uno de los problemas de ser policía.
“That’s the problem with being former FBI, isn’t it?”
—Ese es el problema de ser un ex agente del FBI, ¿verdad?
The problem was being able to use the access codes he had.
El problema era ser capaz de usar los códigos de acceso que tenía.
The problem with being a teenager is that parents could be so calm.
El problema de ser adolescente era que los padres nunca perdían la calma.
The problem with being Superman was that everybody else was so slow.
El problema de ser Supermán estribaba en que todos los seres a su alrededor le parecían muy lentos.
And the problem with being the crown prince was that he always drew attention.
Y el problema de ser el príncipe de la corona era que siempre llamaba la atención.
He saw no problem in being Buddhist, Shinto, Christian, all at once.
Para él no había ningún problema en ser budista, sintoísta y cristiano a la vez.
The problem with being me, thought Isabel, as she walked along George IV Bridge, is that I keep thinking about the problem of being me.
«Lo que me pasa —se dijo mientras caminaba por George IV Bridge— es que no dejo de pensar en el problema de ser yo».
The problem with being fundamentally useless is that it's difficult to shift gears into being useful.
El problema de ser fundamentalmente un inútil es que es difícil pasar a ser útil.
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