Translation for "reads reads" to spanish
Reads reads
  • lee lee lee
  • lee lee
Translation examples
lee lee
Read, read in the book that I gave you for your wedding, ... with joy they accepted martyrdom, to preserve their virginity.
Lee, lee en el libro que te regalé por tu boda, ... con que alegría aceptaron el martirio, para conservar su virginidad.
Now pick up that book and read! Read like you've never read before!
¡Ahora recoge ese libro y lee, lee como nunca has leído antes!
It is the Bank of Italy. Look, read, read!
Es del Banco de Italia. ¡Mira, lee, lee!
Read, read my letters!
¡Lee, lee las cartas!
Aunt May started from her chair with, —To his room! . . . but Gwyon’s upraised hand seemed to halt her, and she turned on the small retreating figure with, —To your room, go to your room then, and read . . . read what we’ve been reading, and I’ll be up before supper to see if you know it.
Tía May saltó de su silla, diciendo: —¡A su cuarto…! —Pero la mano alzada de Gwyon pareció detenerla, y se volvió hacia la menuda figura fugitiva diciendo—: A tu cuarto, entonces vete a tu cuarto, y lee… lee lo que hemos estado leyendo, y antes de la cena subiré a ver si te lo sabes.
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